by control | Nov 21, 2022 | Inspection, Materials, Roof Replacement, Uncategorized
Everything is bigger in Texas, and roofs are no exception. If you are looking to get a new roof in Houston, then you’re probably wondering how much it will set you back. While there are various factors that affect the price of your roof, we will hopefully shed some...
by Taylor Posey | Jul 14, 2022 | Advice, Inspection, Materials, Repair, Roof Replacement, Weather Damage
Hail season is over for now. But if you live in Texas, you already know how temperamental the weather can be. Still, it’s a safe guess that your roof has incurred some damage from the extreme spring weather. It is time to call CK Roofing to consider repairing or...
by control | Oct 4, 2021 | Materials
Roughly 750,000 U.S. homeowners have installed a metal roof on their homes since 2015. Its popularity surged due to its energy efficiency, inherent cooling abilities, and flame resistance. Now, it’s the second most popular roofing material in the United States only...
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